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Offering mutual benefit

Volunteering is helping to address some of the biggest challenges the nation faces, from supporting the NHS to the climate crisis. It’s also highly beneficial to the volunteers themselves providing an opportunity to develop and utilise skills, make new connections, increase confidence and improve wellbeing.

We know that employees who volunteer are likely to see an increase in their wages due to an increase in skills, confidence and effectiveness, while employers benefit from staff being more productive and engaged, improvements in wellbeing and retention and increased profitability.

Purposeful volunteering

Employee volunteering offers more than an ad-hoc day out of the working week to support a local initiative. By identifying a cause that’s most relevant to the mission, vision and strategy of your organisation, you will positively impact the communities you do business in.

Partner with Royal Voluntary Service

We'll work with you to develop a bespoke employee volunteering package that will reflect the style of volunteering that is most appropriate for your staff and your corporate aims.  

Our volunteering opportunities can mean making a commitment to be in the same place, at the same time, once or twice a month by helping at a lunch or social club for older people.

Where flexibility is needed, particularly for employees with disabilities or caring responsibilities, we can offer roles such companion calls where volunteers phone someone who may be lonely or isolated and in need of friendly conversation.

Talk to us...

If you're interested in partnering with Royal Voluntary Service or would like to know more about our corporate partnerships, we'd love to hear from you.

A younger volunteer making a companion call

Employee volunteering with Centrica

We’re working in partnership with Centrica on a corporate volunteering programme. One afternoon a week, colleagues from British Gas volunteer to take our hospital trolley round the wards of Macclesfield District General Hospital. It’s a vital service for patients, especially for those who have few, or even no, visitors or are unable to get to the shop, with volunteers offering a friendly face and a chance to buy healthy snacks and essentials.

The collaboration has proved really rewarding for British Gas, its colleagues - "Volunteering has developed my confidence and I’ve become a lot more comfortable with talking to new people. It’s also given my mental wellbeing a boost" - Royal Voluntary Service and of course, those we support.

This is just one of the ways that your company could work in partnership with Royal Voluntary Service.

A group of volunteers from Centrica on a rolley round

Corporate volunteering delivers significant benefits to the economy & businesses

To broaden our understanding of the economic contribution of volunteering, we recently teamed up with Pro Bono Economics on a new study exploring the impact of volunteering on productivity and wages.