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"Don’t worry about what tomorrow brings, it may never happen…"

That was the motto of Yvonne Price, a Royal Voluntary Service volunteer who sadly died aged 92.

"It reflects my mum’s positive attitude to life."

Yvonne's daughter, Wendy

Yvonne didn’t worry about the things she couldn’t control, but she did whatever she could to help others and prepare for the future. That included leaving a gift in her Will to support communities through our volunteers – a decision she shared with her children.

"We are proud that our mum continued to show her compassion, and support the communities she cared so greatly about, by leaving a gift to Royal Voluntary Service."

Yvonne knew just how important our volunteers are to local communities – she volunteered herself, for more than three decades.

"As a child, I have fond memories of going out volunteering with Grannie. She knew everyone by name and was genuinely interested in their lives. It taught me the value of spending just a few minutes with people who might not have anyone else to turn to. Plus, it was great fun!"

Yvonne’s Grandson, Paul

Feeling that life had been good to her, Yvonne wanted to give back. She volunteered to visit people who were isolated and lonely in Buckinghamshire where she lived. Yvonne gave her companionship and a listening ear to those who couldn’t get out and about, or didn’t have any family or friends close by.

"The lifelong friendships she forged with some of the people she visited show how valued she was."

Yvonne also served drinks and snacks to staff, patients and visitors in Wexham Park Hospital Shop in Berkshire – for 35 years.

Without people like Yvonne, leaving a gift in their Will, we wouldn’t be able to provide a wide range of services and support in hospitals which helps to free up nurses for patient care. Thousands of hospital volunteers help improve older people’s experience in hospital, support their recovery, and reduce the chance of being re-admitted. As well as volunteering in Shops and Cafés and Trolley Services, volunteers provide Meet and Greet and On Ward services offering a sympathetic and supportive ear to patients and their families.

You too, can ensure that people get the support they need in their homes, in the community and during a stay in hospital. Along with Yvonne, people who choose to support in this way, will be remembered for their generosity and for changing lives.

Leave a gift in your Will

We appreciate that loved ones should always come first. After providing for them, if you’d like to provide support in the future through a gift in your Will, call 0800 731 9197, or email us at