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In Memory of Robert

The family and loved ones of Royal Voluntary Service volunteer, Robert Wright kindly requested donations to Royal Voluntary Service in his memory after he died suddenly on 19 April 2022.

"Royal Voluntary Service was such an obvious choice as it was the one he would have chosen and we are so grateful for their support to Rob over many years.    

"Our younger brother Rob suffered many mental and physical health challenges from an early age. He had a good career but found himself redundant as he approached middle age and despite trying hard, he never managed to find work that suited him. One of his great passions in life was driving and he was delighted to discover that he could do this as a volunteer.

"He was so good at engaging people in all walks of life and the Royal Voluntary Service recognised this. He was welcomed and encouraged at a time when he was nearing crisis and being a volunteer driver was a lifesaver for him for many years and gave him focus and a great sense of purpose. 

"We owe our deepest thanks and gratitude for volunteers, like Robert, who dedicate their time to volunteering and supporting others." 

Robert's sisters Mary and Margaret

Rob’s love of driving combined with his friendly and compassionate personality made him a perfect fit for the role of a volunteer driver. During more than a decade of volunteering, Rob drove approx. 77,000 miles to help older people in East Lothian.

He had a successful career with Customs & Excise. Later, he worked with the Child Support Agency and received the Civil Service Imperial Medal upon his early retirement on health grounds.

Rob helped our clients get to hospital and health appointments, but he also took some of them to a variety of destinations across Scotland for other more social reasons.

"We remember Rob for his humour and his kindness. He had pet names for us, and you could bank on the fact that an email or text from Rob about a request for transport, would often contain more than just a straightforward yes or no!  He might reply as if he was a secret agent taking on a mission with reference to his message self-destructing or he might send back some cute or funny cat themed pictures.

"Rob knew how worried clients got about getting to their hospital appointments and he played music and reminisced with them to help put them at ease. His “whale” music made for some interesting conversations with clients but often he would make up playlists for his regulars with artists he knew they liked.

"Often when older family relatives have multiple appointments it is difficult for their family and friends who are busy with their own work and family commitments to cope. Knowing Rob was there to help eased not just the clients’ minds but also took the pressure of their family and friends.

"He did more than just drive them, he really cared about them."

Royal Voluntary Service Coordinator, Marie remembers what joy he brought to the team

 "I am so sad to hear he is gone. He was a very kind and thoughtful person. We both loved listening to music, and he once made up a CD of my favourite Scottish music because he knew it would be hard for me to get out to a shop to find one."

Client, Jesse

 "I will never forget my last journey with Robert. We were held up on the motorway for four and a half hours. It didn’t seem anything like that long as he played some lovely music, and we sang along. Robert was a lovely man; good company and he will be sorely missed by all who knew him including myself."

Client, Ruth

We are incredibly thankful that Rob’s family have donated over £400 through In Memory donations. These donations and tribute funds are vital to the running of many of our services.

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