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Get your thinking caps on!

Whether it’s a general knowledge, 80s, 90s or 00s theme, host a Big Quiz for Royal Voluntary Service and help us to continue our vital work in our NHS hospitals and our local communities.
Either virtually, in your own home, your workplace or your local pub, your Big Quiz can bring people together for some fun and competition! The funds you raise will help those in your community to continue to receive support from our local services.

Hosting your Big Quiz

Our Big Quiz fundraising pack has all you need to host the perfect quiz either virtually or in person! From bunting, to video call backgrounds, posters, sweepstakes to general knowledge, 80’s, 90’s or 00’s theme quiz questions!

Sign up now to download your pack or receive it through the post.

People taking part in a virtual quiz

The difference you'll make

Your support will help us support our most vulnerable and ensure we are able to ease the pressure off our beloved NHS.

£50 could mean we can help and collect shopping and prescriptions for ten people who are vulnerable and unable to do themselves. Giving them reassurance that there is support for them and remind them that they have not been forgotten.

£100 could allow our trained volunteers to make telephone contact with 50 vulnerable people giving them reassurance that they are not alone. The calls will also offer advice on how to keep safe and well, both physically and emotionally.

With your help we can give thousands of older or vulnerable people the support they desperately need to get through this extremely difficult time.

Royal Voluntary Service telephone volunteer

Can we help? 

If you have any questions about our fundraising events please contact our dedicated team by calling us on 0800 731 9197 or contact us by email.