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How we help

We’re here to help people keep leading independent, healthy and happy lives, by offering a helping hand where it’s needed. Our volunteers offer practical support by taking care of the things the people we serve are less able to do for themselves, like shopping or getting to and from social activities.

Volunteers also provide social and emotional support, just by being there in person or on the phone once or twice a week. Sometimes that also means organising, running or simply attending local classes in anything from Tai Chi to IT.

It’s all about giving people the support they need to stay, safe, well and connected to their communities.

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Community Companions

There’s no one task that sums up the help our Community Companions give, it could be anything from walking someone’s dog to wiring a plug. Basically, their role is to carry out little tasks or errands that the person (or people) they’re supporting can’t do for themselves.

It’s also to offer some much needed company. That can mean visiting in person or over the phone, or by taking them to a local class or group where they can socialise with others in their own community.

It’s not only important for the people we support, it also helps alleviate pressure on the NHS. Working with local GPs, our volunteers identify those who, without their help, would most likely end up needing hospital care. The support we’re able to offer can prevent that from happening.

A younger woman keeping an older woman company, talking in a kitchen

One to one support

Some of the people we work with have specific ideas about what they want to do and how they want to live. They might have a specific goal they want to reach, like recovering mobility or confidence after a fall, or improving their flexibility. Our one to one support services are specifically designed to help people achieve those goals.

The first step is usually an assessment with someone from the Royal Voluntary Service team, where aims are outlined and agreed. We’ll then match the person needing support with a local volunteer who will work with them to get them where they want to be.

Royal Voluntary Service volunteer helping a lady in her community.

Home Library service

Our Home Library service is exactly what it sounds like – we bring the local library into people’s homes.

Our volunteers bring a carefully chosen selection of books and audio books to those who are less mobile, or who find it difficult to get to their local library. Sometimes they offer movies and music too, all based on what the client likes.

The service doesn’t just deliver an important source of entertainment and mental stimulation. It also offers a friendly face, a chance to chat and some very welcome social interaction for people who can’t get out as much as they’d like.

Home Library Service volunteers

Calls with Care

A regular telephone call can help you if you feel lonely or isolated and aims to reduce feelings of social isolation and loneliness, will help to improve your mood, confidence and feelings of wellbeing.

Calls are made by volunteers with the time, frequency and duration of the calls agreed by you both. We find that just one 30 minute call, once a week can be all you need but we’ll work with you to make sure the service supports you.

Older woman on the phone

Other ways we can help

We're here to support with a range of services to make things easier.

We support NHS Trusts and the wider integrated care system

Royal Voluntary Service works with local and national partners to provide flexible tailor-made service solutions in people's homes and in healthcare settings.