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Celebrate with Royal Voluntary Service

This year, Royal Voluntary Service is hosting Festive Spread events throughout Britain during December. Our events are free to attend, although numbers are limited and so pre-booking is essential.

If you or someone you know is interested in attending one of our events, you can use the list below to search your region for your nearest Festive Spread and find details of how to book a place.

Find a Festive Spread near you

Find local services

Our local teams of volunteers support people across England, Scotland & Wales every day of the year. From lunch clubs to social clubs, friendly telephone calls and community transport to help you get out and about - we have something to help you.

Support our appeal

‘Our Festive Spread’ events are only made possible thanks to donations from people like you. A gift from you today could support us to host more celebrations for people to come together and share a hot, nutritious meal in the company of others.