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Supporting you in the colder months

As we head into the colder months, we want to make sure you're staying safe, warm and well.

So, we've put together a helpful guide filled with useful up to date advice and practical information ready for you to download or share with someone you know. You can even order copies to be sent to you, for a small charge to cover post and packaging.

Stay safe

Our guide includes tips and advice on how to stay safe - such as:

  • Preparing for bad weather - when the weather turns colder, it's important to plan ahead to keep you and your home safe.
  • Ensuring your home is gas safe - checking your boiler, stove and other appliances are safe to use before the cold weather hits.
A couple staying warm in bed

Stay warm

As temperatures drop, staying warm is key to health and happiness. Discover what you can do to help keep your home warm, and energy bills as low as possible with advice from Cadent.

Our guide includes:

  • How to stay warm - staying warm is important to help fight off viruses and infections.
  • Information and links to benefits and grants advice and discounts you might be entitled to such as pension credits, winter fuel payments and insulation
  • Details about Cadent’s Priority Service Register.
A woman keeping warm while paying a bill online

Stay well

It's important to stay healthy all year round, both physically and mentally - but extra vigilance during the winter is recommended.

Our guide includes:

  • Guidance on how to eat well to boost your mood - when the cold weather arrives many of us can feel a little low, but did you know that what you eat can affect how you feel? 
  • The importance of staying hydrated - many people get dehydrated by not drinking enough fluids and not replacing them.
  • Waitrose Good health recipes.
  • Money saving tips - with rising living costs, this winter could be challenging for us.
  • Mental health advice - it's easy to feel more isolated. It's important to look after your mental health and stay connected with others as much as possible.
  • How to keep active - physical activity is great for supporting overall health and mental wellbeing.
A group of women talking to each other

More ways to stay safe, warm and well

Eat well and boost your mood

More information about the relationship between foods and mood, brought to you from Yakult.

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Preparing your home

Safety information from Cadent to make sure your home is safe and warm for the winter months.

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Good Health winter recipes

We've teamed up with Waitrose to share some delicious recipes packed full of mood-boosting ingredients!

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Other advice and guides to support you during winter months

Do you need a bit of extra support?

NHS and Care Volunteers are available to support people who may need a bit of help across England. All support is free and you don't need to be referred by a doctor. Call our helpline 0808 196 3646.

Visit the Virtual Village Hall

Our free online activity hub and community helps people stay physically and mentally active, connected and having fun.