A guide to the COVID-19 vaccination programme
We hope that people with concerns about the COVID-19 vaccination programme, carers and families, find this guide useful. Download a copy of A guide to the COVID-19 autumn vaccination programme or print this page to give to someone you know.
This leaflet is available as a standard version, large print, in braille, audio, easy read, BSL and translated into a number of community languages.
The leaflet can be ordered or downloaded from: healthpublications.gov.uk, by calling: 0300 123 1002 or by textphone: 0300 123 1003 (lines are open 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday).
Visit gov.uk for more guidance explaining the latest vaccination programme and how you can help protect yourself.
Further information

COVID-19 vaccination: women of childbearing age, currently pregnant or breastfeeding
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COVID-19 vaccinations – a guide for people with a weakened immune system
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Visit coronavirus vaccination on NHS.UK
Take me thereRead the product information leaflets for the UK recipients of the Pfizer, Moderna or Sanofi vaccines for more details on your vaccine, including possible side effects.
You can also report suspected side effects on the Yellow Card website or by calling 0800 731 6789 (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday) or by downloading the Yellow Card app.
Other advice and guides to support you during winter months

Flu vaccination
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Managing minor winter ailments
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Stay safe, well & warm
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Prepare for wintry conditions
Take me therePlease exercise your common sense when considering this guide and whether to take any of the steps that may be suggested in it. Whilst we have taken reasonable care to ensure that any factual information is accurate and complete, most of the information in this guide is based on our views and opinions (and sometimes the views and opinions of the people or organisations we work with). As a result, we cannot make any promises about the accuracy or the completeness of the information and we don’t accept any responsibility for the results of your reliance on it.