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Thank you to all our volunteers, past present and future

Celebrating Volunteers’ Week, The Big Help Out and The Month of Community

At the start of Volunteers’ Week, The Big Help Out and The Month of Community, Royal Voluntary Service welcomes the fact that volunteering is in the spotlight and being discussed by all political leaders. That’s because the country has never needed volunteers more than it does today.

Royal Voluntary Service has been inspiring people to volunteer to support the needs of the day since its inception over 80 years ago. We support and enable over 50,000 volunteers through Royal Voluntary Service and the NHS and Care Volunteer Responders programme we deliver on behalf of NHS England. Volunteering is in our DNA, and we are committed to enabling more people and communities to benefit from volunteering.  

“Millions of people each year support their communities as volunteers making a huge impact. The difference it makes to their own lives is often profound in terms of their future pathways and sense of purpose and belonging. Active citizenship brings gains for individuals, communities and society as a whole, so it must be both supported and celebrated.

“This week I want to say a huge ‘thank you’ to all our volunteers past and present and look forward to welcoming many newcomers who are inspired by The Big Help Out to give volunteering a go for the first time. Our doors are open, come and join us.”

Catherine Johnstone CBE, Co-chair of Shaping the Future with Volunteering and CEO of Royal Voluntary Service

For further information

Royal Voluntary Service is one of Britain’s largest volunteering charities with volunteers supporting the NHS and thousands of vulnerable people in the community. 

The charity works in local communities running home libraries, companionship support, home from hospital services and patient transport. Our Virtual Village Hall provides online activities and classes to promote wellbeing and keep people active.

The charity also delivers the NHS and Care Volunteer Responders programme for NHS England enabled by the GoodSAM app.

To become a local volunteer search for volunteering opportunities in your area. Or help make a difference by making a secure online donation.

If you are a member of the press and have a media enquiry please contact the Media Team. For all other enquiries, contact us.

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