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Teaming up with Legal & General in major volunteer recruitment campaign

Our new ‘Step Forward’ campaign, developed to encourage the British public to volunteer to support their local community, is being supported by Legal & General Retail Retirement

Our new ‘Step Forward’ campaign, developed to galvanise the British public to volunteer to support their local community, is being supported by Legal & General Retail Retirement.

Reflecting Legal & General’s commitment to help people enjoy a happy, healthy and colourful retirement, the partnership is aimed at inspiring people approaching retirement, and recent retirees, to volunteer their time.

The campaign was launched following research from the charity that found volunteering boosts has a positive impact on mental health. Among first time volunteers , many said they experienced improved wellbeing after volunteering, with 34% of this group feeling less stressed, 42% saying it had a positive effect on physical health and 65% on their happiness levels. At the same time, almost four in ten (37%) first-timers said their volunteering had made them less lonely. By reaching out to individuals aged 55 and over, Legal & General Retail Retirement and Royal Voluntary Service are hoping to support more people to manage the transition from working to retirement.

The advertising campaign has been developed to inspire the nation and help them realise that everyone has a talent to offer – whether it’s charisma, culinary craft or a winning smile – and you can use these talents to volunteer and change the life of someone who lives near you. Many of the faces in the advertising are the charity’s own volunteers who have taken centre-stage in the campaign.

The campaign will be on show at Royal Voluntary Service shops and cafés as well as in press and social media. In addition, it will also be running on running advertising billboards in city centres, radio commercials and digital advertising in five key regions with a second burst scheduled for June.

"We are delighted that Legal & General are supporting our volunteer recruitment campaign. Volunteering is good for the recipient, for the community and for the volunteer themselves. With Legal & General supporting our new advertising campaign, we can inspire more people to volunteer, particularly those approaching retirement age.

"The message in the campaign is clear: everyone has something special to offer as a volunteer and Royal Voluntary Service will use your talents to the full. We know that the work of our volunteers is treasured by those they support, but there are just as many advantages for those giving their time - that’s why we want to draw as many people as possible towards us from all walks of life, across all ages and backgrounds."

Fiona Longhurst, Director of Marketing and Communications for Royal Voluntary Service

"Volunteering is a proven way that people can find fulfilment in their lives. Not only can it help to build bridges with the local community, but it’s a great opportunity to develop social networks too. At Legal & General, we’re proud to have worked closely with Royal Voluntary Service since 2014. We’re delighted to be working even more closely with the charity to support their volunteer recruitment campaign and we believe that by en-couraging retirees to get stuck in and volunteer their time and talent, we can support both those in need and help more people to have an active, healthy and positive retirement."

Chris Knight, CEO, Legal & General Retail Retirement

For further information

To become a local volunteer search for volunteering opportunities in your area. Or help make a difference by making a secure online donation.

If you are a member of the press and have a media enquiry please contact the Media Team. For all other enquiries, contact us.