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Tribute to Mike Bury, Royal Voluntary Service Trustee

On behalf of Royal Voluntary Service

We were extremely saddened to hear of the death of our colleague Mike Bury, a serving member of the Royal Voluntary Service Board of Trustees since 2019. 

Mike joined Royal Voluntary Service after a long and successful career in the banking and insurance industry where he held senior management roles as a Chartered Accountant and Chartered Treasurer.  At Royal Voluntary Service he was the Chair of our Investment and Finance Committee and brought wisdom, intellect and compassion to his role. 

Mike was much admired by the Royal Voluntary Service leadership team and his fellow trustees and will be hugely missed for his friendship and valuable contribution to the charity.  Our thoughts are with his wife, Stella, and his family at this sad time.

Stephen Dunmore, Chair 

For further information

Royal Voluntary Service is one of Britain’s largest volunteering charities with volunteers supporting the NHS and thousands of vulnerable people in the community. 

The charity works in local communities running home libraries, companionship support, home from hospital services and patient transport. Our Virtual Village Hall provides online activities and classes to promote wellbeing and keep people active.

The charity also delivers the NHS and Care Volunteer Responders programme for NHS England enabled by the GoodSAM app.

To become a local volunteer search for volunteering opportunities in your area. Or help make a difference by making a secure online donation.

If you are a member of the press and have a media enquiry please contact the Media Team. For all other enquiries, contact us.

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