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Cost of living fears take toll on nation’s health and wellbeing

Concerns increase amongst those living alone or with long term health conditions

  • 49% say mental health is suffering as a result of cost of living crisis
  • 85% fear the cost of living crisis will have a negative impact on life expectancy of older people

Fears about the cost of living crisis over winter are taking a major toll on the UK’s health and wellbeing.

New research by leading health and wellbeing charity, Royal Voluntary Service, and long-term partner, Yakult, explored the impact of the current cost of living crisis as winter starts. It found that not having enough money to live on was the greatest fear facing more than half (52%) of the 2,598 respondents surveyed. Most fearful of these financial pressures were respondents living with long-term health conditions (58%) and those of working age (56%).

As winter begins in earnest, keeping warm was another major cause for concern. More than half of respondents (54%) were worried about not being able to heat their home, with 48% cutting back on home heating and electricity to save money. A third (34%) were worried about not being able to buy food and almost one in five (19%) were reducing the number of hot meals they cook, rising to more than a quarter (26%) of those with long-term health conditions or living alone (29%). 85% of respondents thought that the cost of living crisis would have a negative impact on the life expectancy of older people.          

Inevitably, the cost of living crisis is having a profound impact on personal health and wellbeing. Nearly half (49%) of respondents said their mental health was suffering as a result, rising to 57% of those with health conditions. 48% said they felt anxious and 42% felt depressed at the thought of facing the winter ahead, with 27% of those with health conditions worried about COVID-19 too.

An extremely worrying 39% said that they had no-one to turn for advice about their health and wellbeing over the winter, rising to 43% for those for those living alone or aged 60 and over.

To support people facing the challenges of the winter ahead, Royal Voluntary Service and Yakult have produced the Stay Safe, Warm and Well guide. The guide includes vital information such as money saving advice, COVID advice, how to keep active and eat a healthy diet, how to ensure your home is gas safe, who to call in a power emergency, contacts for mental health support, and where to find essential NHS contact details. The advice in the guide is designed to help people better manage the risks that are exacerbated by the current conditions and time of year.  

“These stark findings are a sobering reminder that there are some very vulnerable people out there. The combined pressures of the cost of living crisis and winter health challenges are the perfect storm, and Royal Voluntary Service is committed to doing all we can to support those most in need. On the ground, our staff and volunteers are supporting people at scale in hospitals, at home and in local communities across the UK, through one-to-one support, in groups and online. With Yakult’s generous support, we are able to share our Stay Safe, Warm and Well guide far and wide. We hope it will be a useful resource in times of need.”   

Sam Ward OBE, Deputy Chief Executive at Royal Voluntary Service said

“Here at Yakult we are pleased to continue working with Royal Voluntary Service to support the most vulnerable in our community. With challenging times ahead of us this Winter, I hope our Stay Safe, Warm and Well guide can signpost those in need to information and services that will help them to look after their health and wellbeing.”

Hiroaki Yoshimura, Managing Director Yakult UK & Ireland

Download a copy of Stay Safe, Warm and Well guide and watch our informative video.

Throughout winter, Royal Voluntary Service and Yakult are also hosting a series of events via the charity’s Virtual Village Hall, a free online activity hub and community. The Virtual Village Hall helps people stay physically and mentally active, connected and having fun. Four new Stay Safe, Warm and Well-inspired activities will be launched between now and January, and include an online safety and home security class, a gut health cook-along, energy saving tips and an at home winter workout class, delivered by expert tutors.

For further information

Royal Voluntary Service is one of Britain’s largest volunteering charities with volunteers supporting the NHS and thousands of vulnerable people in the community. 

The charity works in local communities running home libraries, companionship support, home from hospital services and patient transport. Our Virtual Village Hall provides online activities and classes to promote wellbeing and keep people active.

The charity also delivers the NHS and Care Volunteer Responders programme for NHS England enabled by the GoodSAM app.

To become a local volunteer search for volunteering opportunities in your area. Or help make a difference by making a secure online donation.

If you are a member of the press and have a media enquiry please contact the Media Team. For all other enquiries, contact us.

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