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Things to do, people to see at Chesham House Centre

The Royal Voluntary Service centre in Lancing, Chesham House Centre, warmly welcomes the local community to a variety of activities offering a comfortable, warm place to meet, eat and play. Keeping in touch with people whilst being active are key to staying healthy and well.

We would love to welcome you so please come along and join us. Our wonderful volunteers will help you feel right at home.

What's on

From dancing to crafts, book clubs to knitting, new social groups are starting all the time. If there is something you would like to do and we don't have it arranged: don't be shy, let us know and we'll do all we can to make it happen. More groups will follow as volunteers become available.

If you would like to become a volunteer and start a group - Let's talk! Get in touch or pop in and chat with one of our team.


12:00 – 1:30pm  Lunch club

A two-course lunch served at 12:15 (approx.) Please book in advance.

£10.00 weekly

2:00pm – 4:00pm  Games club

A chance to socialise, play Bingo, a quiz or board games

£3.00 weekly

Older people doing Tai Chi


2:00pm – 4:00pm  Whist Drive

£3.00 weekly

A group of people playing cards


12:00 – 1:30pm  Lunch club

A two-course lunch served at 12:15 (approx.) Please book in advance.

£10.00 weekly

2:00pm – 4:00pm  Scrabble

£3.00 weekly

People enjoying lunch at a lunch club


11:00am – 1:00pm  Crib

This is a smaller group than Tuesday morning. Beginners welcome.

£3.00 weekly

2:00pm - 4:00pm Stitch, Knit and Natter group 


Older people enjoying a craft session


10:30am - 12:30pm  Fun quiz

£3.00 weekly

12:30pm - 2:00pm Lunch club

£10 for a two course lunch served at 12.30pm.  Please book in advance.

1:30pm - 3:30pm  Mah Jong

Beginners or 'old hands' welcome.

£3.00 weekly


Two older people dancing

Can you spare us an hour or two? Volunteer at Chesham House Centre

We always have a variety of volunteer roles available, with flexible hours, full training and travelling expenses paid.

Other services available from Chesham House Centre

Helping to support West Sussex.

Vintage Tea Room

Our Vintage Tea Room is a great excuse to just pop in for a drink and slice of homemade cake, with bone china teacups and a proper teapot!

Take me there

Adur & Worthing Voluntary Transport

For residents of Adur, Worthing & surrounding areas who are unable to access conventional transport due to a disability, frailty or rural isolation.

Take me there

Good Neighbours West Sussex

Our volunteer befriending service offers support to local people to reduce loneliness and isolation which helps you to stay healthy and independent.

Take me there

Room hire at Chesham House Centre

Chesham House Centre offers a flexible choice of rooms and café area for hire. The hire includes wifi internet access and presentation equipment making it the perfect choice for workshops, meetings and drop-in sessions. Talk to us to discuss your needs.

You can also hire the rooms and separate café area for a special family celebration. The café area offers guests the chance to sit comfortably and chat while others are enjoying the bustle and noise of the ‘party’ room. 

The building has kitchen facilities and full disabled access and toilet.

Prices per session are as follows:

  • The Garner Room – up to 8 persons seated (£8 per hour)
  • The Ashcroft Room – up to 12 persons seated (£12 per hour)
  • The Ashcroft-Garner Room – up to 40 persons cinema-style (£20 per hour)