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Charity reporting 

Our latest Report & Accounts

Volunteers are providing huge gains to their communities across Britain every day. Receiving volunteer help can be life-transforming through periods of personal difficulty.

During the past year we have continued to innovate, extending and deepening our impact through the expansion of key health and wellbeing services. During the year our services provided support to those in need over 2 million times.

Those we help are often in personal crisis, struggling with multiple health conditions and with limited networks of their own. Our volunteers and staff provide them with a real lifeline.

Our Report & Accounts includes our impact and achievements, report from our Board of Trustees, Independent Auditor’s report and details of our consolidated accounts for the year ended 31 March 2024.

Slavery & human trafficking statement

2024 annual statement to ensure that Royal Voluntary Service activities and supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking.

Talk to us...

We're always happy to share our experiences and discuss new ways we could work together in partnership in the NHS and in the community.