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What we've delivered 

Growing the movement

From around a dozen CEOs meeting in early 2021, Shaping the Future has grown to 26 members covering charities across all sectors where volunteers are key to the delivery  of their mission. Through regular CEO meetings and working groups, Shaping is informing the planning within individual charities as well as collectively.

A man deep in thourght

Partnering with Demos

Following upon Danny Kruger’s report to the Prime Minister, Levelling up our communities, Shaping the Future teamed up with Demos to hold a meeting at the 2021 Conservative Conference where Kruger discussed his proposals for civil society and the promotion of volunteering.

A pile of papers

Levelling Up White Paper

Shaping the Future met with Ministers and Government officials as they prepared the Levelling Up White Paper. When it was published in February 2022, the White Paper made specific reference to the role of volunteering:

“During the pandemic, heroic contributions were made by over 12.4m volunteers from right across the UK, including 4.6m people who volunteered for the first time. The UK Government recognises this rich endowment of voluntary action, and will build on the Volunteering Futures Fund, announced in November 2021, to target places with poor social capital, including piloting ways to further reduce the barriers to volunteering”.

A group of volunteers packing up food parcels

Vision for Volunteering

Throughout the development of the sector’s ‘Vision for Volunteering’, Shaping the Future has contributed by being on the Steering Group. A special meeting was held with Shaping the Future CEOs to review a draft of the Vision and raise questions about how to maximise its contribution to the development of volunteering over the next ten years.

A group of volunteer gardeners taking instructions

For more information 

Contact Jez Hughes CBE, Convenor, on 07957 334 675