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Supporting recovery at home

Helping patients recover from treatment after discharge or on a virtual ward. Helping them get back on their feet as quickly as possible.

We provide:

  • Practical and social support at home including ‘settle in’
  • Co-designed 1:1 support and companionship to achieve goals, building confidence and increasing activity.
  • Strength and balance exercises in groups or 1:1
  • Shopping and prescription collections
  • Transport to health and social appointments
  • Support with use of virtual ward equipment
  • Help using technology, online and digital services
  • Regular follow-up calls, visits and signposting.
A volunteer helping someone out of a car


For individuals:

  • Improved mood, wellbeing and cognitive function
  • Reduction in loneliness and isolation
  • Reduced depression and anxiety
  • Perceived confidence, health and happiness.

For health and care services:

  • Reduction in delayed discharges
  • Help to prevent readmission
  • Improve discharge flow within hospitals
  • Decreased reliance on statutory community services.
Older woman opening her front door to a Royal Voluntary service volunteer

Talk to us

We're always happy to share our experiences and discuss new ways we could work together to provide flexible tailor-made solutions in people's homes and in healthcare settings.